Questions related to travel

Here you will find answers to questions people usually ask in relation to travel. You may also want to check subsection transport in Information. If you cannot find an answer here use the feedback form and ask us. We can then put the answer here and you may help others this way.

Will I have time to travel?

Yes. Most of the time people travel during times when the university is not in session. In most cases it does not make sense to travel out of Nebraska just for a regular weekend. Time from time you will have long weekends (3days or more). Check academic calendar for the dates when you will have time off from school. The trouble is that everybody travels on these days and prices tend to be rather high so plan early.

Can I go home for Christmas?

Yes you can, but you will have to pay for it yourself and flying to Europe before X-mas is pretty expansive. So if you are sure you want to fly home look for a cheap ticket as soon as you can. Staying means you can explore U.S, Mexico or Canada and this may even be cheaper than returning home.